
How Long Does It Take Youtube To Approve Monetization

YouTube Partner Programme overview & eligibility

March ten, 2022: Given the recent interruption of Google advertising systems in Russia, we'll be pausing the creation of new Russian accounts on AdSense, AdMob and Google Advertizement Director. Additionally, nosotros will pause ads on Google properties and networks globally for advertisers based in Russia. As a effect, creators in Russia won't be able to consummate new YPP sign-ups at this time.

March 3, 2022:Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, we will exist temporarily pausing Google and YouTube ads from serving to users located in Russia. Also, we are pausing access to all monetization features (such as Channel Memberships, Super Chat, Super Stickers, and Merch) for viewers in Russian federation. Learn more.

Feb 25, 2022:In light of the war in Ukraine, we are pausing YouTube'due south monetization of Russian federation state-funded media channels.

We will continue to actively monitor the situation and make adjustments as necessary.

Starting Nov 1, 2021, monetizing creators must turn on ii-Pace Verification on the Google Account used for their YouTube aqueduct to access YouTube Studio or YouTube Studio Content Manager. Larn more

Update August 2021: We've updated this article to include details on a new eligibility requirement for joining the YouTube Partner Programme.

The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) gives creators greater admission to YouTube resources and monetization features. It also allows revenue sharing from ads being served on your content. In this article, yous can review:

  • Available features
  • Criteria for joining
  • The awarding checklist
  • Other miscellaneous FAQs on YPP

Intro to Making Money on YouTube

What you become

  • Access to our Creator Back up teams
  • Access to the Copyright Match Tool
  • Access to our monetization features

Minimum eligibility requirements to join

  1. Follow all the YouTube channel monetization policies.
    • The YouTube channel monetization policies are a collection of policies that permit you to monetize on YouTube. As a YouTube partner, your agreements, including the YouTube aqueduct monetization policies crave compliance with these monetization policies to potentially earn money on YouTube.
  2. Live in a country/region where the YouTube Partner Programme is bachelor.
  3. Have no active Community Guidelines strikes on your channel.
  4. Have more than 4,000 valid public spotter hours in the last 12 months.
  5. Accept more than than ane,000 subscribers.
  6. Have a linked AdSense account.

YouTube Partner Program application checklist

Everyone who meets our threshold tin can employ for YPP, but you do need to run into some of our guidelines to be considered. This checklist is meant to guide yous through the awarding process.

  1. First, make certain that 2-Step Verification is turned on for your Google Business relationship. This security means you'll protect your account with both your password and a second form of verification.
  2. Brand sure your channel follows our policies and guidelines, and that in that location aren't any active Community Guidelines strikes on it. When yous apply, you'll go through a standard review process to check whether your channel meets our policies and guidelines. Channels that meet our policies and guidelines will be accepted into the plan. We too constantly bank check channels in the plan to make sure they continue to see our policies and guidelines.
  3. Take at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 valid public watch hours. When we appraise channels for the YouTube Partner Program, we need context. When you lot reach this threshold, it usually ways that you take more content. The threshold helps us brand a more than informed conclusion near whether your channel meets our policies and guidelines. You can apply for YPP once you reach this threshold.
  4. Sign YPP terms. You tin can ask to be notified when y'all reach the subscriber and public watch hour threshold. In one case your channel meets the threshold, follow these instructions:
    1. Sign in to YouTube.
    2. In the top right, click your profile flick and then YouTube Studio.
    3. In the left carte, click Monetization.
    4. If yous're under the threshold, click Notify me when I'g eligible to go an electronic mail. You'll go an electronic mail when you lot've reached 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours over the past 12 months. If yous encounter the threshold, click Start on the "Review Partner Program terms" bill of fare.
    5. Once you've signed the term, nosotros'll marker this footstep with a greenish "Done" sign on the "Review Partner Program terms" menu.
  5. Make sure you only accept ane AdSense account. As part of the application process, you lot'll need to connect an AdSense business relationship to get paid.
    1. Click Start on the "Sign upwards for Google AdSense" card.
      • If yous already take an AdSense account, use the i that's already canonical. You can link as many of your channels equally yous desire to a single AdSense account.
      •  If you don't take an AdSense business relationship, you tin create 1 past post-obit the on-screen instructions.
    2. Once y'all've connected your AdSense, we'll marker this stride with a green "Done" sign on the "Sign upwardly for Google AdSense" card.
  6. Get reviewed. Once you lot sign the YouTube Partner Programme terms and connect an AdSense account, your channel will automatically be put in a review queue. Our automated systems and human reviewers will then review your aqueduct'due south content to check whether your account has followed all of our guidelines. You lot can check your application status anytime at
    1. If yous're accepted into YPP: Congratulations! You can at present set up advertisement preferences and turn on monetization on your uploads. Here'due south a listing of FAQs that we get from creators who have but joined YPP.
    2. If you're rejected from YPP: Our reviewers found that a significant portion of your channel doesn't meet our policies and guidelines. You lot can re-apply xxx days later on your rejection. Cheque out our FAQs for tips on how to strengthen your application.

Review process

Your application will be put into queue in one case you:

  • Meet our subscriber and scout time thresholds
  • Have no agile Customs Guidelines strikes
  • Sign the YouTube Partner Program terms
  • Connect your AdSense business relationship

Our human reviewers will assess your channel equally a whole to bank check whether your business relationship meets our YouTube aqueduct monetization policies.

We'll get back to you with a determination once your channel is reviewed (typically nigh i calendar month later on you meet the threshold).

Notation: Sometimes, you may need to wait more than a month. At that place can be a few reasons for delays -- college-than-usual application volumes, system issues, or we may occasionally need to shift resources. Our policy specialists try to go through applications as fast as possible, simply delays tin can happen because we take a limited number of specialists.

Tin can you speed up my awarding?

No. Our teams can't speed upwards your application. All applications are put in a queue, and volition be processed in the order they're received. Sometimes channels crave a few reviews, specially when several reviewers disagree on your aqueduct's suitability for YPP. In these cases, a few reviews may exist needed, which means it may take more fourth dimension for a conclusion to exist made.

Stay agile to keep making money

Equally the YouTube Partner Program continues to grow, it's of import to maintain a healthy, active ecosystem of channels. To focus our support for creators who are active and engaged with the community, we may plough off monetization on channels that haven't uploaded a video or posted to the Community tab for 6 months or more.

FAQs around applying and more

What if I don't meet the program threshold?

If yous don't meet the threshold yet, keep working to make original content and build your audience. Here are some resources that can help you abound your channel:

  • Larn solutions from other YouTube users in the YouTube Help Forum.
  • Go to the Creator Site to larn, grow, and be continued to programs, resources, and events.
  • Check out our YouTube Assistance channel and YouTube Creators channel to picket tutorials, troubleshooting, and tip videos from the YouTube Help team.

View resources bachelor to yous equally a creator.

If y'all have active Customs Guidelines strikes on your aqueduct, you tin utilize after your strikes expire. You can also employ after you've successfully appealed to accept your Customs Guidelines strikes removed. Current members of the program won't be removed when receiving Community Guidelines strikes.

What does "valid public scout hours" mean?

Non all sentry hours count toward the YouTube Partner Program threshold.

What counts as a valid public sentry hour:

  • Picket hours gained from videos y'all've set public

Picket hours gained through the following types of video practice not count towards the YPP threshold:

  • Private videos
  • Unlisted videos
  • Deleted videos
  • Advertising campaigns
  • Videos played from the 'Stories and short videos' shelf
  • Livestreams that are unlisted, deleted, or not converted to VOD (video on demand)

If I meet the threshold, do I automatically become into YPP?

No. Every aqueduct that meets the threshold will go through a standard review process. Our team will review your channel every bit a whole to check whether your channel meets our YouTube aqueduct monetization policies. Your aqueduct besides must not have any active Community Guidelines strikes in order to use. Channels that follow our policies and guidelines can monetize.

What happens if my counts drop below the threshold after I utilize?

We'll send your channel for review once yous meet our valid public spotter hours and subscriber threshold. So it doesn't matter if your subscriber or scout hour counts drop below the threshold while waiting for review. If you've met the threshold and applied for YPP, we'll still review your aqueduct for YPP suitability.

If a channel is inactive and has not uploaded or posted Customs posts for six months or more, YouTube reserves the right to remove its monetization.

Channels volition lose monetization when they violate whatsoever of the YouTube channel monetization policies. This loss of monetization will happen regardless of their picket hours and subscriber count.

What if I already practical in Creator Studio Archetype?

When you previously started the application procedure in Creator Studio Classic and nevertheless desire to get a member of the YouTube Partner Program:

  • Brand sure that your channel is eligible and re-apply to go a member of the YouTube Partner Plan. You can follow the application instructions outlined on this folio.

I'k no longer in YPP (or I was never in the program) and I'm seeing ads on my videos. Am I earning acquirement from those ads?

YouTube tin serve ads on all content on the platform. If you were previously a member of YPP (and currently are not in the program), you may still come across ads beingness served on your content. In this case, you don't become a share of the revenue.

If you rejoin YPP in the future, you can get a share of the revenue from ads served on your content subsequently you lot rejoin. In that case, when reapplying for YPP, make sure that your channel meets the eligibility criteria outlined on this page.

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